miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010

You Can't Run From Who You Are

First victim of the day, no one else than the lovely Angelica Winston. The greaser sweetheart that has a pathetic excuse for a doctor as a dad. I must say, it wasn't that hard to find where to hit and hit hard. Lovely little, shall I say the name?, Jelly, are you still over your insecurity issues?

Fat, ugly, short, useless, stupid, skanky whore. How many times have you heard this words? How many times where this adjectives used to describe you? There's no other list of words that fit you so well. Sure, your friends tell you this ain't true, but have you ever heard about a tiny white lie? How do you know that what your friends tell you is the truth? What secrets are hidden behind their eyes? How do you look to them?

It was hard to get the little Jelly alone. After all, she's always walking with one of her friends, more specifically with your bestie, the Curtis girl. Have you gone that low that you need someone to protect you? I bet she doesn't even give two shits about you. C'mon Jelly, she's pretty, you're not. Same thing goes for Dawn. They actually had to give you a make-over so you would feel a tiny bit better. Leave it to them to make things right. But we finally got you. Piece of advice hun, never go around town by yourself. You don't know how trouble may find you. He followed you quietly and slowly, and you didn't pay attention. Nothing can hurt you, now can it? I can't touch you, right? Oh but I can, and I didn't necessarily had to use my skills. Where where you going? So confident on your walk. But he tap your back and you turned around. "Hello, Angelica." Tell me Jelly, what did you see on his face? Was it pleasure or a desire for revenge? Let me tell you what I saw on your face. Hell came to ask you to pay up. You froze in place and your eyes expressed utter horror. It was almost funny, like one of those lame scary movies. What's wrong Jelly? You saw a ghost? It wasn't that hard to get Corey to agree, sweetie. And it wasn't that hard to get him to Tulsa either. Nothing that a simple plane ticket from Seatlle wouldn't solve. Oh, I almost forgot, you need money to buy a plane ticket. With you distracted, we took advantage and got a hold of you, getting you into a car, facing Corey directly in the eye. A scared little puppy finally meeting her abusive owner.

We took you home. Luckily for me and unfortunate for you, the parents weren't home, but what's new about that? I was disappointed Jelly, you didn't put much of a fight. Actually, if it hadn't been for Randy and Sam, you could have easily have passed by an unwanted puppet. The next part was quite entertaining. Sitting on a chair forced to face Corey, it made me want to videotape it. Fat, ugly, short, useless, stupid, skanky whore. Fat, ugly, short, useless, stupid, skanky whore. Fat, ugly, short, useless, stupid, skanky whore. How many times are they needed for you to get the message? For you to understand that to the rest of the world, you'll always be nothing more than that. A fat, ugly, short, useless, stupid, skanky whore. Corey kept going and going, trashing your clothes and making fun of your makeup and messing with your hair. Forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror as nothing more than the white trash you really are. I like Corey. He should stay here for a few weeks, and as a token of our appreciation, let him deal with what's left of you. Cries, cries, and more cries. Haven't you learn that by crying you get nothing? There is no one here to save you. No one really cares either. I took a step towards you, staring at your torn face and shattered heart. "Angelica, you thought you had left all that behind, didn't you? You can run, but certainly not hide. No matter where you are or who you're with or even how you look, you won't be able to escape the reality of a fat, ugly, short, useless, stupid, skanky whore."

I turned around and as promised, let Corey finish what he had started. He didn't need my help with that. He could do it all by himself. I could hear the screams and cries coming down the basement door, but frankly, I didn't give a damn. I smiled at myself and close the door behind me.

-Bob Sheldon

lunes, 26 de julio de 2010

Seven Deadly Sins

Who am I? What I do? Why? This are just one of the many questions I get asked far too many times. And they all come to one answer. I am Bob Sheldon. Probably the biggest kickass in the neighbourhood and damn proud of it. There's no particular need-to-knows except my name as a one-way ticket to the good life. Anyone who is someone has been at least once acknowledge by me.

Today there was a small cocktail party at the Valance's and just to say little, it was acceptable. I still think that Cherry could have outdone herself on the open bar and useful entertainment but oh well, she can't pull stunts half as good as she can talk them. Randy got me in on what's going on in town. More specifically, what's going on with my favourite gang of greasers. So it turns out one of those filthy greaser girls, Lilian or whatever is her name, is pregnant with a baby. Apparently my baby. Ha! As if. I wouldn't really care if she had an obortion or not. That thing doesn't deserve half of its bloodline. There's been quite a lot of cheap girls that had been willing to get laid, but god, none of them are really worth the effort. As if they where even that good in bed. At times like this I do miss Cherry. She did know how to get it right. But then, she went for that white trash with the funny name, Ponyboy. And that's how my little revenge started. No one, specially some pathetic low life, can just go around and mess with my perfect world. Because there was no point to hit that would cause him enough pain to make it worth it, I went for his older brother. Poor little Sodapop, he lost his little baby. Please. You're making me sick. Of course, if he hadn't fuck his little whore-excuse for a wife he wouldn't have to deal witht his on the first place. but oh well, some people are just good for nothing. High school dropout. And I heard the Curtis girl is back in town. What was her name? A chocolate bar? That bitch should have stayed right where she was. No one really needs another useless slut wondering around Tulsa. And besides, she came back to marry that drunk ass with no future. That'd be a marriage worth looking forward too. And then there's Elena. Please, if that slut really thinks she's worth my time she's got some serious mental issues. She's a good pack, I won't deny that but hell, she's just so easy to deal with, specially when her brother thinks he's got what it takes to win a fight. I'm telling you, this people are just so pathetic. Randy told me there was no use in wasting my time with them and he's right, but if I can make their lives any more miserable than they already are, why waste such wonderful opportunity?

Which comes down to my clever plan. Me and my boys came up with it and it's called, what else?, The Seven Deadly Sins. Each week one victim, and every victim gets a piece of what they deserve. I'm not talking just simple jumping or raping, I mean expert kickass. It's time to show the greasers how to treat their superiors. Once and for all, finish with all of them. Socs above all.

-Bob Sheldon