domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Double Fun That Way

So far it's been one person at a time. One victim after another. One tear shred after another. It's been a pleasing four weeks. Wow, a month already? Time flies by so fast when you are enjoying yourself. This week's victim wasn't that hard to pick. Actually, I had been looking forward for their turn. I decided that double fun might be something my expectators would love to read about.

Who's our little greaser tonight? I'll give you a clue: "He is handsomer than anyone else I know. Not like Darry, he is movie-star kind of handsome, that kind that people stop on the streetto watch go by..." I hope you're not surprised. I mean, c'mon, you saw this coming. I had debated wether to leave Sodapop for the end or not. But I have more important people to deal with later on and well, as much as I enjoy bringing the best in Curtis, he's not that high on my favourites list. Such a shame, I know. My buddies and I carefully planned the evening so that everything would be in place and no distractions would interrumpt. You must know that I've got connections all over Tulsa. I can get my way on the lowest of possibilities. So first, we had to get rid of all the friends and family. It wasn't that hard. We got a friend at a local bar to throw a party with free beer. That got rid of pretty much all the friends. Whoever was left, well... Not really getting into details. Then we got rid of the family. I managed to talk the boss into forcing the big one to stay overtime if he cared enough for the wellfare of his family. The girl was probably getting her toungue stuck under her boyfriend's shirt or something at a drunken afternoon, so that took care of it. And the little one stayed for a whole day old movie marathon at the drive in. Very little things are impossile with money. We knew the wife would come home somewhere after five, and her schedule was pretty easy to get ahold of. I sent Paul and Trace over to greet her. That left Sodapop all alone at that pathetic little house of his.

When the timing was perfect, Randy, Sam, Jason, and I sneaked inside the house and waited for the greaser to come out of the kitchen. Only a dumbass would leave his door unlocked when he knows someone's out to get him. "Hello, Soda." I grinned slyly as he approched the living room. Sodapop's face turned white. He was stuck dumb for a moment but his expression changed when he realized who it was. Anger took over. "Get the fuck away from my house, Sheldon!" He yelled throwing a the glass he was holding at us. He really needs to work on his aiming. I cocked an eyebrow. "Is that the way you treat your guests, Curtis? I must say, I'm not surprised." He walked towards us and grabbed me by my shirt pulling me close to his dirty face. Immediatley, the guys stood up to act defensively if it was needed. I told him to lay off. "Get your fucking butt away from here, Sheldon! Or I will personally beat the crap out of you!" I chuckled at his naïveness. "Would you, Curtis? Knowing that whatever you do to me, will only turn out worst for your little wife?" I asked casually. He stared at me intently and let go of my shirt bruscally. I scoffed fixing my attire and whipping off his dirty hands off the fabric. His face expressed fear and I almost laughed at it. I half smiled fixing my knuckles and continued to explain to the dumbass what he couldn't possibly understand. "Show him, boys, just how well he takes care of his wife." Randy got the door and Paul and Trace stepped in holding Katie effortlessly. Soda cringed and glared at me. "YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled and made a run for me, only to find himself pinned down five seconds flat by Sam. He kicked his nose and it started bleeding. Aw, pretty boy's face was messed up. Such a shame. Sam lifted him up and held his face tightly forcing him to look at me and at his wife. I turned to look at Katie, who was gasping in fear under Paul's grip. "Well hello there. Nice of you to meet us, Mrs. Curtis." I said with a friendly tone. "Your husband here was missing you dearly." Soda was starting to say some pretty bad words but Sam held him tighter, forcing him to shut his mouth. I smiled.

"What about we play a little game, huh Curtis? I'll let you fight me. But every wrong move and your wife will pay for it, ya dig? If you don't, then, well, let's just say that she pays for it too. Your call." I said. Soda turned to look from me to Katie and back to me with complete disgust. He was hesistant. I rolled my eyes. He nodded slowly and I snapped my fingers for Sam to let him go. He dropped to the floor and I let him take his time to stand up. Once he was on his feet, I punched him back and he hit the floor again. This was way too easy. "C'mon, Curtis, show me what you got. How much do you hate me." He got up and whipped the blood from his face. He turned to look at me and threw a punch that missed. I held his hands and got a hold of him on a arm twitch. "I wouldn't have done that, man." I said looking from Katie to him. "Now watch how your lovely wife pays." I nodded to Trace and he got his blade out. He caressed her pretty neck with it and drop by drop blood started to leave. She cringed helding the screams back. Probably to make it easier for Sodapop. I rolled my eyes. Okay, fine. Slowly. That's how we'll get through this. One punch at a time. I turned Soda's arms to the other way and threw him at the floor. He then held my arm and shoved me to the wall. Sam stepped in and knocked him to the floor with two punchs. I placed my feet over his chest. "Oh, Sodapop." I said and then turned to look at Katie. Traced cut deeper and as much as the girl tried to fight the urge to scream, the pain was too much. I could feel Curtis shaking in anger but I held him down quite easily. "Tell me, how's your little Snow doing?" I asked indifferently. Soda knocked me down. "DON'T YOU EVER SPEAK OF MY DAUGHTER AGAIN, SHELDON!!!" I grinned. Please, like a little fetus really interested me. Paul got him this time and I snapped my fingers at Trace. I almost felt bad for Katie. Almost. That's how it went for a few minutes, until Soda just bent on his knees begging for it to stop. To stop for her. That was quite a ridiculous thing to do, Soda. Risking your own well being for a girl? It makes me sick. I let Sam finish the job.

Curtis was laying on his knees and I motioned to Trace to let the girl go. Soda quickly grabbed a hold of her. I stared indifferently at the pathetic couple of greasers holding themselves. It was repulsive. They where covered in blood and had dirt all over their faces. I rolled my eyes as I we got out. "You think, this'll teach them?" Trace asked. I grinned slyly. "It'll show them how defenseless they are even in the sanity of their own home."

-Bob Sheldon

18 comentarios:

  1. I swear to god we will fucking get you Sheldon. I don't care how. We will get you and I will give you the most slow and painful torture that you will wish you were in hell you son of a btich.

  2. You cant mess with me anymore sheldon, u fuck me up im gonna fuck u up right back. Im planning sweet painful revenge and when it comes to shit like this im pretty damn smart at it. Hell is gonna catch up with you, and when it does im gonna be laughin from the sidelines.

  3. Tisk tisk shealdon u crossed my line. Hurting katie and soda like that is calling for sum serious ass kicking. Around town i here people say "that shealdon sure is good looking" by the end of this week they will be saying"god what the fuck happen to his face!". U back the fuck of my friends! Or death will be at ur doorstep

  4. Soda how the fuck did u let them get u like that man?? Bob ur such a fucking dumbass ..

  5. I have a question for you. Why are you so intent on jumping people when their alone? Impress me. Attack verious people at once. Then I might start to worry about your existence.

  6. oooh carson <3
    why does the idea of a cage match interest me........:D
    Bob well i thought we established this. YOU ARE COMPLETELY FUCKED IN THE HEAD.

  7. carson im so with you ok thats it you made me reach a point of hate that i dont believe thats possible. you messed with 2 of my bestfriends and your gonna pay batered i'll get you and your friends you just watch. and what the hell did we do that made you hte all of us so much and now that im cherry's sister-in-law dont you dare touch cherry either or i will and i mean this i will KILE YOU BOB FUCKING SHELDON..

  8. Karma Sheldon, Karma. It will catch up to you and when it does it's gonna be a whole lottta hell and I'll be watching you eating popcorn enjoying the show.

    -Austin Brumley-

  9. Watch it buddy that is my older brother and sister in-law your messing with. Wait till Dally gets ahold of you again..You are so dead...

  10. dear sheldon
    im going to torch ur bed while ur sleeping.
    love, dawn

  11. im with you dawnie soo bob sleep with one night open tonight

  12. 7 deadly got 2 shots left spongebob ............:) we're waiting
